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Parent, Teacher & Friends Association


The school is fortunate to have an active and supported PTFA. All parents, carers and staff are encouraged to be part of the committee or help run events, but participation in any form is welcome. We aim to encourage excellent relations between staff, parents and others associated with the school, supporting the administration and advancing the education of the pupils. 


Our primary focus is raising funds to support key objectives identified by the school leadership and wider PTFA aims. This is usually through organised events or occasionally through community grants and local businesses.  Whilst some events naturally focus on fundraising, many are run in the spirit of enhancing the curriculum and for the enjoyment of the pupils.  

We have a governing committee that meets at least every term and is elected annually at our AGM by the school community. 


The objective of the PTFA is to advance the education of pupils within the school.


This is achieved in particular by;


  • encouraging and supporting parent, community and staff involvement with the school, enriching the curriculum and well being.

  • Informing parents and representing their collective views to the school administration.

  • Engaging in activities or providing equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.

    Registered Charity, 1029862


Role of the Committee

The existing PTFA committee consists of 4 elected officers and other elected committee members.

The focus of the elected officers is to uphold the key objectives of the PTFA constitution, vote on key decisions and act as trustees for the charity. The whole committee decide on the fundraising goal for the academic year, allocation of funds and the nature of events to organise or support. Throughout the year we rely on the generosity of volunteers' time and perseverance helping run and coordinate events.


The 2021/22 academic year committee consists of the following persons;


Elected Officers / Trustees

Co-Chair: Cerise Bird & Heather McIntyre
Treasurer: Laura Hilton
Secretary: Charlotte Evans
Staff Liaison: Sarah-Jane Titterton


Elected Committee Members

Adam Greene

Anna Thomson

Becky Snow

Hannah Garner 

Louise Rowe

Rachel Anning

Steven Wellington

Minutes Of Meetings
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