Welcome to Oak Class
Year 1
Class Teacher: Sarah Mathys
Learning Journey
Our current learning enquiry is ‘How can I present the story of my life?'
PE Days
Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Children are to arrive at school dressed in their PE kit on this day.
Outdoor Learning
Every Thursday but please have wellies in school at all times in case we go out at other times.
In Phonics, children read their story books three times at school and then take a similar book home to read. This helps to develop their confidence and fluency as well as encouraging them to focus more on their comprehension, punctuation and expression. Children need to have their reading book and reading record in school every day. This is changed each Friday, and children also have the option of choosing a book from our reading corner which can be changed on any day. Our main homework in Oak Class is to read this book daily in order to practise these skills. All children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes and parents/ carers are asked to keep a log of their reading in their Reading Record.
As the year goes on, Y1 children will bring home Phonics packs with tailored challenges to support them with their Phonics at home. You can also support your child by practising their red words and Set 2 and 3 Special Friends.
This half term, both Year 1 and Year 2 will be focusing on Place Value. Year 1 within 10 and Year 2 to 100. We use White Rose as our scheme of work and adapt where necessary to suit the needs of the children in our class.
Each Friday, the children are set a homework task linked to their learning in class, usually on ‘MyMaths’ to complete by the following Friday. The Year 2 children also have access to 'Times Table Rock Stars' to practise their tables.
Spelling Practice
Spelling rules from our weekly spelling lessons can be practised on Spelling Shed ahead of our weekly spelling test each Wednesday (new spellings are set every Wednesday). The children are encouraged to practise their spellings at home.
Any additional homework will be set via Class Dojo, however, our main homework in Oak Class is reading, spellings (which can be practised using Spelling Shed) and our MyMaths challenges.