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Welcome to Totnes St John's Church of England Primary School.


Our Vision of 'Spurring each on with the courage to make a positive difference to ourselves and others' means that we are continually striving for excellence for ourselves and others and to ensure that all those connected with St John's have opportunities to develop as learners and good citizens.


To ensure everyone achieves and flourishes we ensure all learning happens through the lens of our gateways: Citizenship, Leadership, Expression, Explorers and Flourishing. We believe that, through our values that are linked to these gateways, we are guided, supported and inspired in all that we do and all that is asked of us.


Our curriculum was designed to motivate and intrigue pupils through a wide range of opportunities and experiences. Our aim is to nurture a lifelong thirst for learning. We also believe our school community should develop an understanding of the wider world, their community and how they will make a positive difference as children, adolescents and adults.


We are committed to achieving excellence, being innovative, sharing our talents and always striving for the best of ourselves. We hope the website provides you with all of the information you require. Please contact us if you would like to take a tour of Totnes St John's Primary School and discover more about what makes us such an exceptional setting to be a part of.








Rachel Patterson-Azzopardi


Head Teacher


Hebrews 10:24 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds

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